Blogging 101 Workshop

Blogging 101 Workshop. This 2 hour workshop will walk you through step-by-step how to create a blog, increase traffic and make money. September 28, 2011 from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Imperial Plaza in Melbourne Florida. For more information or to Register, visit
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Improve your Google Rating with Code Links

Whether through blog hops or just visiting a blog you enjoy, you are undoubtedly leaving a comment to a post and including your URL to your blog for a hopeful follow back.  The next time you leave a comment, embed your URL within the comment.  Doing so will increase your backlinks (links from other sites to your site) which will in turn increase your Google rating and result in a higher position within search engines. 

< a href="http://www.your-blog-url.html/">Your Blog Title< /a>



  1. Thanks so much for all your posts! New to everything blogging related. It seems that whenever I have a question about how to do something you have an answer for me in a post not more than a few days later! You are awesome!
    Oh So Savvy Mom

  2. I've been using this code for a few weeks, but thanks for the reminder! I appreciate it!

    I'm a new follower coming over from Follow us Monday Mornings!

    < a href="">Under the Big Oak Tree< /a>

  3. ha! I've been using the code for a few weeks and somehow I messed it up! haha!

    Let's try this again:
    Under the Big Oak Tree

  4. Hi! I'm here from Blog Hop Monday! So excited to have found your blog!

    Kat @

  5. New email subscriber from Mailbox Mondays
    [email protected]

  6. Thanks to all of the encouraging comments. I'm happy to be able to fellow bloggers.

  7. Thanks for that tip. I'll start doing that now with my blog: GEORYL: Blogging With My Heart

  8. I do these whenever I joined memes for them to easily visit my entry.. Some bloggers doesn't like this though, I've received some emails telling me that they cannot post my comment because it has link to it. Oh well, I don't visit them anymore lol.

    Nostalgic Marveling

  9. awesome, thanks for this tip!
    I am a new follower

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Obviously right.I always maintain this trend.Thanks for remembering once again,but site should give do-follow link(I think you are not a do-follower,convert it,people will love more).Lot of contents with lot of useful information you have,just love to read your post.Today already three post read.Have a nice day.Visit My main blog FreeMoneyMaker

  12. Thank you for the great tip. I love your blog!

    < a href="">High Heels and Lattes< /a>



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